Dear Partners,

We welcome you to the special month of May!

We declare that this will be a month where you produce outstandingly praiseworthy results in your partnership and every area of your life

The month of April was a beautiful one as we made a great impact on the lives of the needy globally. This month, we will reach and meet the needs of many more indigent children and families through our various programs and initiatives. We know that we can count on your support.

A New Season Begins in Taraba State

Murbai community is located in Ardo Kola Local Government Area, Taraba State, North-Eastern Nigeria. For more than a year, the children in the community were forced to abandon their education as they had no place to learn as their only school was destroyed by attacks.

Working with her Partners, the InnerCity Mission took up the challenge of building a school for the community and we are set to commission the school this week! The InnerCity Mission Primary School in Murbai community, Taraba State will provide 100%-free qualitative education to the beneficiaries. Click here to watch a short video of the school.

We have several InnerCity Mission schools currently under construction. Click here to sponsor building materials, school supplies, and more.

Our SPACE Campaign is still on!

In Durban, our Partners organized an outreach that benefitted 100 children at Themela Primary School, Umlazi. They provided the children with scholastic materials such as school uniforms, and books and also gave them free meals.

In Bukembe community, over 300 children at Nzoia Sugar Company Primary School received free books and meals from our Partners in Kenya.

To be a part of the InnerCity Mission’s SPACE (Sponsor a Child’s Education) campaign, you can donate scholastic materials for pupils or sponsor the education of children at any of our InnerCity Mission Schools. Visit icm.ngo/donate.

Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and India join the HAM Train

Partners of the InnerCity Mission have passionately been going about providing food to children and families in need. Millions of meals have been distributed in different countries around the world.

Our Partners in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan were not left out as they gave out free meals to children in need. In India, our Partners distributed food parcels to needy families in Pardi community, Mumbai.

We are on course toward our goal of distributing 250 million meals in the first phase of our Hunger Action Month Global Food Distribution. You can sponsor meals as an individual by visiting icm.ngo/ham. You can also mobilise your network of contacts to donate food items to the InnerCity Mission Food Bank or distribute food supplies to the needy around you. For more information, Please send an email to info@theinnercitymission.org.