Education is a fundamental right for every child, yet, there are several factors, among them are poverty and violence, limiting millions of children and young people in continents and regions around the world from getting an education.

With a focus on free Primary and Early Childhood Education, The InnerCity Mission Education Program is holistic. We believe that quality learning for developing indigent children requires adequate learning tools, safe and friendly environment, qualified and motivated teachers, and much more.

The 5 pillars of our Education Program are; The InnerCity Mission Primary Schools, Back to School Campaign, Education in Emergencies, LoveWorld Teachers Training Institute and the Girl Child Education.

The InnerCity Mission School is a direct platform that offers tuition-free early childhood education as well as uninterrupted access to 6-year formal primary education for indigent children irrespective of gender, race, religion, and ethnicity. The ever-expanding network of schools currently has 12 campuses in West Africa- Nigeria and in South East Asia- India.

To complement the free tuition and provision of educational tools in our charity schools, children also receive free daily school meals.

This program supports indigent children who have been forced to drop out of school, to get “Back to School” within their communities, providing them with free scholastic materials and payment of tuition fees in some instances. In addition, the InnerCity Mission carries out school development projects such as WASH initiatives in underserved communities to improve children learning outcomes.

As a result of natural/manmade disasters or violent crises, indigent and vulnerable children especially, miss out on months or years of education. To bridge the gap of lost school time, and provide stability in such times of crisis, the InnerCity Mission ensures continued learning by providing learning materials, safe learning spaces, and food aid to mitigate the effects of the crisis on the developing child which are all essential to continue and sustain learning.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education is enormous but thanks to partners and donors of the InnerCity Mission, who through their continuous support ensures indigent children are not left behind in accessing education despite the restrictions in several countries and the lockdown of schools around the world.

This “Train the Trainer” approach incorporates various teachers’ training programs, which up-skills and equip teachers for the purpose of improving children’s learning outcomes

The disparity in access to education for boys and girls is wide. Education, they say is the process of providing information to an inexperienced person to help him/her develop physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, spiritually, politically, economically among others.

The InnerCity Mission is committed to providing the necessary support for every Girl child to access quality education. Through the Education program, it ensures equal access, attendance, and the school completion rate.